Extracts and stores tweets locally Extracts and stores tweets locally based on Twitter lists
qf_get_tweets_from_list( list_id = NULL, slug = NULL, owner_user = NULL, since_id = NULL, max_id = NULL, n = 200, include_rts = TRUE, parse = TRUE, twitter_token = NULL, cache_lists = TRUE, overwrite_lists = FALSE )
n | An integer, number of new tweets to request per users, defaults to 200. |
twitter_token | A twitter token generated by rtweet. |
cache_lists | Logical, defaults to TRUE. If TRUE, stores locally the lists owned by a given user, in a subfolder `lists_by_user`. If list has already been downloaded, it just loads it. To overwrite, set `overwrite` to TRUE. |
overwrite_lists | Logical, defaults to FALSE. If TRUE, it overwrites previously downloaded lists. |