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Gets all details of a property


tw_get_property_with_details(id, p, wait = 0)



A character vector, must start with Q, e.g. "Q254" for Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.


A character vector, a property. Must always start with the capital letter "P", e.g. "P31" for "instance of".


In seconds, defaults to 0. Time to wait between queries to Wikidata. If data are cached locally, wait time is not applied. If you are running many queries systematically you may want to add some waiting time between queries.


A tibble, corresponding to the details for the given property. NULL if no relevant property found.


# Get "female form of label", including language
tw_get_property_with_details(id = "Q64733534", p = "P2521")
#> # A tibble: 10 × 4
#>    id        p     text                                language 
#>    <chr>     <chr> <chr>                               <chr>    
#>  1 Q64733534 P2521 sběratelka pohádek                  cs       
#>  2 Q64733534 P2521 recopiladora de contes fantàstics   ca       
#>  3 Q64733534 P2521 Märchensammlerin                    de       
#>  4 Q64733534 P2521 zbieraczka baśni                    pl       
#>  5 Q64733534 P2521 raccoglitrice di favole             it       
#>  6 Q64733534 P2521 зьбіральніца казак                  be-tarask
#>  7 Q64733534 P2521 collectrice de textes traditionnels fr       
#>  8 Q64733534 P2521 zbiralka pravljic                   sl       
#>  9 Q64733534 P2521 собирательница народных сказок      ru       
#> 10 Q64733534 P2521 збирачка казок                      uk