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Return (most) information from a Wikidata item in a tidy format from a single Wikidata identifier


  language = tidywikidatar::tw_get_language(),
  cache = NULL,
  overwrite_cache = FALSE,
  read_cache = TRUE,
  cache_connection = NULL,
  disconnect_db = TRUE,
  wait = 0,
  id_l = NULL



A character vector, must start with Q, e.g. "Q180099" for the anthropologist Margaret Mead. Can also be a data frame of one row, typically generated with tw_search() or a combination of tw_search() and tw_filter_first().


Defaults to language set with tw_set_language(); if not set, "en". Use "all_available" to keep all languages. For available language values, see


Defaults to NULL. If given, it should be given either TRUE or FALSE. Typically set with tw_enable_cache() or tw_disable_cache().


Logical, defaults to FALSE. If TRUE, it overwrites the table in the local sqlite database. Useful if the original Wikidata object has been updated.


Logical, defaults to TRUE. Mostly used internally to prevent checking if an item is in cache if it is already known that it is not in cache.


Defaults to NULL. If NULL, and caching is enabled, tidywikidatar will use a local sqlite database. A custom connection to other databases can be given (see vignette caching for details).


Defaults to TRUE. If FALSE, leaves the connection to cache open.


In seconds, defaults to 0. Time to wait between queries to Wikidata. If data are cached locally, wait time is not applied. If you are running many queries systematically you may want to add some waiting time between queries.


Defaults to NULL. If given, must be an object or list such as the one generated with WikidataR::get_item(). If given, and the requested id is actually present in id_l, then no query to Wikidata servers is made.


A data.frame (a tibble) with four columns (id, property, value, and rank). If item not found or trouble connecting with the server, a data frame with four columns and zero rows is returned, with the warning as an attribute, which can be retrieved with attr(output, "warning"))


if (interactive()) {
    id = "Q180099",
    language = "en"

#' ## using `tw_test_items` in examples in order to show output without calling
## on Wikidata servers

  id = "Q180099",
  language = "en",
  id_l = tw_test_items
#> # A tibble: 188 × 4
#>    id      property value         rank  
#>    <chr>   <chr>    <chr>         <chr> 
#>  1 Q180099 label_en Margaret Mead NA    
#>  2 Q180099 P21      Q6581072      normal
#>  3 Q180099 P214     44302511      normal
#>  4 Q180099 P106     Q674426       normal
#>  5 Q180099 P106     Q4773904      normal
#>  6 Q180099 P106     Q36180        normal
#>  7 Q180099 P106     Q2526255      normal
#>  8 Q180099 P373     Margaret Mead normal
#>  9 Q180099 P244     n78093416     normal
#> 10 Q180099 P227     118579789     normal
#> # ℹ 178 more rows