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This search returns only properties, use tw_search_items() for properties.


  language = tidywikidatar::tw_get_language(),
  response_language = tidywikidatar::tw_get_language(),
  limit = 10,
  include_search = FALSE,
  wait = 0,
  cache = NULL,
  overwrite_cache = FALSE,
  cache_connection = NULL,
  disconnect_db = TRUE


A string to be searched in Wikidata


Language to be used for the search. Can be set once per session with tw_set_language(). If not set, defaults to "en". For a full list, see


Language to be used for the returned labels and descriptions. Corresponds to the uselang parameter of the MediaWiki API: Can be set once per session with tw_set_language(). If not set, defaults to "en". For a full list, see


Maximum numbers of responses to be given.

Logical, defaults to FALSE. If TRUE, the search is returned as an additional column.


In seconds, defaults to 0. Time to wait between queries to Wikidata. If data are cached locally, wait time is not applied. If you are running many queries systematically you may want to add some waiting time between queries.


Defaults to NULL. If given, it should be given either TRUE or FALSE. Typically set with tw_enable_cache() or tw_disable_cache().


Defaults to FALSE. If TRUE, overwrites cache.


Defaults to NULL. If NULL, and caching is enabled, tidywikidatar will use a local sqlite database. A custom connection to other databases can be given (see vignette caching for details).


Defaults to TRUE. If FALSE, leaves the connection to cache open.


A data frame (a tibble) with three columns (id, label, and description), and as many rows as there are results (by default, limited to 10).


tw_search_property(search = "gender")
#> # A tibble: 9 × 3
#>   id    label                                  description                      
#>   <chr> <chr>                                  <chr>                            
#> 1 P21   sex or gender                          sex or gender identity of human …
#> 2 P5185 grammatical gender                     grammatical gender of the word   
#> 3 P5278 surname for other gender               gender inflection of surname, pa…
#> 4 P6553 personal pronoun                       personal pronoun(s) this person …
#> 5 P1560 given name version for other gender    equivalent name (with respect to…
#> 6 P7419 gender educated                        genders educated at this educati…
#> 7 P9827 GSSO ID                                identifier for controlled vocabu…
#> 8 P2433 gender of a scientific name of a genus determines the correct form of s…
#> 9 P9279 Egapro gender equality index           index value for a company per re…