Here are all the goodies!
The most recent, consistent, and complete datasets are probably the following:
The same files are available also as releases on GitHub, which makes it even easier to download them or include reference to them in scripts (see below). This is, for example, the direct download link for the
All files used for matching LAU and NUTS by geometry are in the lau_nuts_area
Concordance tables based on either official concordance tables or geometry are available in this folder: lau_nuts_concordance_combo
You can read the dataset directly from the source, e.g. with something like:
If you prefer to be explicit about column types:
read_csv(file = "",
col_types = cols(
gisco_id = col_character(),
longitude = col_double(),
latitude = col_double(),
country = col_character(),
nuts_2 = col_character(),
nuts_3 = col_character(),
lau_id = col_character(),
lau_name = col_character(),
population = col_double(),
area_km2 = col_double(),
year = col_double(),
fid = col_character(),
concordance = col_character(),
pop_weighted = col_logical()
You can also use the package piggyback
if you want to include this in your scripts, without worrying about caching. The following will download the file only if it does not exist locally:
pb_download(file = "lau_2020_nuts_2021_pop_2018_p_2_adjusted_intersection.csv",
repo = "EDJNet/lau_centres",
tag = "lau_2020_nuts_2021_pop_grid_2018")
read_csv(file = "lau_2020_nuts_2021_pop_2018_p_2_adjusted_intersection.csv",
col_types = cols(
gisco_id = col_character(),
longitude = col_double(),
latitude = col_double(),
country = col_character(),
nuts_2 = col_character(),
nuts_3 = col_character(),
lau_id = col_character(),
lau_name = col_character(),
population = col_double(),
area_km2 = col_double(),
year = col_double(),
fid = col_character(),
concordance = col_character(),
pop_weighted = col_logical()
You can change the year of LAU and NUTS to obtain the desired version.